We do our work with pleasure and passion but we take it seriously. We are aware of the fact that you may often have specific requirements for printed circuit boards and we are ready to meet your needs. We have been enjoying working in the field of PCB manufacturing for more than 20 years and we have been able to satisfy all our customers so far. We secure the manufacturing and delivery of PCBs from both local and foreign UL-certified suppliers.
If you are interested in PCB assembly and soldering, custom electronics manufacturing or PCB design, please contact us. We are ready to provide you with more information and help with your projects. Contact us via email or phone and we will be happy to respond.
Strážnická 4159
276 01 Mělník-Mlazice
PHONE: +420 602 857 838
Zdeněk Vojtěchovský
Malý Újezd 94
277 31 Velký Borek
IČO: 62961713
DIČ: CZ6907060897
PHONE: +420 602 857 838
URL: www.markom.cz
E-mail: markom@markom.cz